LETEGR2 stands for Learning, Teaching, and Learning to Teach in Greek as a Second/Foreign Language: Evidence from Different Learning Contexts. A team of investigators is conducting this postdoctoral research under the auspices of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. The study focuses on learning and teaching Greek as a second or foreign language. Its aim is to explore and evaluate various learning and teaching methods. Additionally, it seeks to identify effective practices that will enhance the process in the future.
The principal investigator of LETEGR2 requested our assistance in shaping the visual identity of the program. The logo, inspired by the lines of ruled notebooks extensively used in education, incorporates the full stop as a punctuation mark. It features horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white. These colors, even if not an azure shade of blue, are typically Greek.
To create a consistent brand experience, we applied the graphic solutions to a variety of elements. These include business cards, stationery, evaluation and data collection forms, conference credential tags, and cloth handbags.
The Shakespearean origin’s expression It’s all Greek to me
To sensitively handle your hard work
Postdoctoral Researchers