The Song of the Whale

The viewer follows the affair of a man and a woman in a long-distance relationship. The couple, two souls made of the same material, is about to finally meet again. Then, two magicians enter a café, and everything changes dramatically. The Song of the Whale is a short film that parallels a love story with quantum mechanics. It shows how two particles of light are so intimately linked that a change to one affects the other, even when far apart.

To reflect this cosmic aura, the poster’s design draws inspiration from the theory of entangled particles. It illustrates tiny duets communicating and influencing each other, even when separated by space. The central illustration features circles and curved paths resembling electromagnetic waves and photons’ orbits. A freehand line connects the two entangled entities, suggesting a tender bond. We chose an earthy color palette to provide a minimalistic counterweight to the chaos of the universe.



Love Makes the World Go Round – Madonna


To create a connection that is hard to break


Film Industry

short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design


short film poster design